martes, 4 de octubre de 2016


The second conditional uses the past simple after if, then 'would' and the infinitive:
  • if + past simple, ...would + infinitive
(We can use 'were' instead of 'was' with 'I' and 'he/she/it'. This is mostly done in formal writing).
It has two uses.
First, we can use it to talk about things in the future that are probably not going to be true. Maybe I'm imagining some dream for example.
  • If I won the lottery, I would buy a big house.(I probably won't win the lottery)
  • If I met the Queen of England, I would say hello.
  • She would travel all over the world if she were rich.
  • She would pass the exam if she ever studied.(She never studies, so this won't happen)
Second, we can use it to talk about something in the present which is impossible, because it's not true. Is that clear? Have a look at the examples:
  • If I had his number, I would call him. (I don't have his number now, so it's impossible for me to call him).
  • If I were you, I wouldn't go out with that man.


If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world. / I would travel around the world if I won the lottery. (Si ganara la lotería, viajaría alrededor del mundo.)

If Rachel had more time, she would learn to play the guitar. / Rachel would learn to play the guitar if she had more time. (Si Rachel tuviera más tiempo, aprendería a tocar la guitarra.)

Would you be happy if you were to get married? / If you were to get married,would you be happy? (¿Estarías feliz si te casaras?)

1) If I (be) you, I (get) a new job...

2) If he (be) younger, he (travel) more...

3) If we (not/be) friends, I (be) angry with you...

4) If I (have) enough money, I (buy) a big house...

5) If she (not/be) always so late, she (be)promoted...

6) If we (win) the lottery, we (travel) the world...

7) If you (have) a better job, we (be) able to buy a new car...

8) If I (speak) perfect English, I (have) a good job...

9) If we (live) in Mexico, I (speak) Spanish...

10) If she (pass) the exam, she (be) able to enter university...

11) She (be) happier if she (have) more friends...

12) We (buy) a house if we (decide) to stay here...

13) They (have) more money if they (not/buy) so many clothes...

14) We (come) to dinner if we (have) time...

15) She (call) him if she (have) his number...

16) They (go) to Spain on holiday if they (like)hot weather...

17) She (pass) the exam if she (study) more...

18) I (marry) someone famous if I (be) a movie star...

9) We (not/be) late again if we (buy) a new car...20) You (lose) weight if you (eat) less.

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